
Roger has been lifting weights seriously for years. His twin brother Steven does not exercise regularly. Which of the following statements would be a reasonable hypothesis to make regarding differences between their skeletons?a. stevens hydroxyapatite combination is less than roger'sb. roger's skeleton underdoes less osteolysis than steven'sc. roger's osteoblasts are more active than steven'sd. all of the listed responses are correct

Respuesta :


a. stevens hydroxyapatite combination is less than roger's

b. roger's skeleton undergoes less osteolysis than steven's

c. roger's osteoblasts are more active than steven's


The hydroxyapatite combination includes the minerals of the apatite group like calcium apatite. As the exercise enhances the bone stability and prevents it's deformity thus the hydroxyapatite or mineral density is expected to be higher in Roger than Stevens.

The osteolysis is the pathological destruction of the bone tissues. As Roger does regular exercise he is expected to have achieved more immunity over Stevens. Thus Roger is prevented from oesteolysis.

The osteoblasts are the cells that secrete matrix for bone synthesis as the exercise is responsible for strengthening the bone the osteoblasts in person who do regular exercise are expected to be more active. Thus Roger's osteoblasts are more active then Steven's.