On the map supplied, the X in Brazil is tropical. Where the X is in Russia is sub-arctic or sub-polar. The X in Antarctica is polar. The X in China is subtropical. The X in Australia is subtropical as well but it also looks like it is trying to indicate dessert conditions.
The terms for the climate zones on the map provided were cut off, so it is difficult to know the exact categories you need to classify. There are 4 broad different climate zones on Earth because solar radiation reaches the ground on different parts of the Earth's surface at different angles. On the equator, the sunlight reaches the ground almost perpendicularly, so it is very strong and where we see the highest temperatures. At the poles, the angle of the Sun is much lower and even under the horizon during the nighttime hours, giving us extreme cold temperatures. The 4 major climate zones are the following: tropic, subtropic, temperate, and the cold zone.