Identify each element below, and give the symbols of the other elements in its group:
(a) [Ar] 4s²3d¹⁰4p²
(b) [Ar] 4s²3d⁷
(c) [Kr] 5s²4d⁵

Respuesta :


Answer in explanation


Argon has 18 electrons. So to get the element in question, we only need to add 18 to the number of the filled electrons.

a. Germanium, atomic number 32

Other group members:

Silicon Si , Carbon C , Tin Sn , Lead Pb and Flerovium Fl

b. Cobalt , atomic number 27

Other group members:

Rhodium Rh , Iridium Ir and Meitnerium Mt

c. Technetium , atomic number 43

Krypton is element 36

Other group members are :

Manganese Mn , Rhenium Re and Bohrium Bh