Globalization is the process of the world becoming more connected. Like any process that involves economic choices, it has positive and negative consequences. China is one of the world's fastest-growing economies, and it has experienced many consequences as the result of globalization. One severe consequence has been a sharp increase in air pollution. In an informative essay, describe the effects of globalization on air pollution in China's largest cities. Use outside research to gather anecdotes and data to help you demonstrate your finding.

Respuesta :

With the withdrawal of the US from the Paris climate agreement, China joined the European Union to lead the debate on climate issues. This is important for the country, as climate change causes a worsening in the situation of pollution in China, and, consequently, in the quality of life of the Chinese.

Pollution in the China has become a problem since the 1980s, since the levels of air pollution in China caused an increase in the days favorable for particle fogs, completing up to 50 days in a single year. This can get even worse with global warming. Some researchers at Nanjing University say air pollution in China is one of the first concerns of ordinary people in the country's main capitals.

The most dangerous particles are microscopic particles (less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter), small enough to penetrate human cells. Its main origins are coal burning, vehicle emissions and dust. Air pollution in China can cause serious respiratory problems in the population and also affect the heart and immune systems.


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