To test Döbereiner’s idea, predict:
(a) The boiling point of HBr from the boiling points of HCl (- 84.9°C) and HI (-35.4°C) (actual value = -67.0°C)
(b) The boiling point of AsH₃ from the boiling points of PH₃ (- 87.4°C) and SbH₃ (-17.1°C) (actual value = -55°C)

Respuesta :


a) Approximate boiling point of HBr = -60.15 °C

b) Approximate boiling point of AsH₃ = -52.25 °C


Döbereiner stated that some elements could be arranged in groups of 3 similar elements ( known as "triads) , and the element of the middle ( elements are ordered with respect to their atomic mass) would have properties between the other 2 ( the average value)

a) In the first case the triad would be the halogen triad ( Cl , Br and I ) . And according to Döbereiner , the boiling point of HBr should be the average of HCl and HI . Therefore

Approximate boiling point of HBr = [(- 84.9°C) + (-35.4°C)]/2 = -60.15 °C

b) Simmilarly for  AsH₃ , PH₃ and SbH₃ , the boiling point of AsH₃ would be

Approximate boiling point of AsH₃ = [(- 87.4°C) + (-17.1°C)]/2 = -52.25 °C