Respuesta :


The HTML page code starts with <!Doctype html>, and it confirms the version of HTML you are coding in. Remember HTML 4.01 was based on SGML, and hence a reference to a DTD is required. However, HTML 5 is not based on SGML, and hence it is not required to refer to a DTD in that case. Also, Doctype is not a tag. Hence, the first tag used is the next in the list, and that is the head tag. It comprises of a title, meta keywords, meta description, styles if used any, and scripts. However, remember, in modern-day coding script is pasted at the last portion of a web page. And this is to ensure that the web page gets loaded once at least just in case the script does not gets loaded. However, style ( CSS, Bootstrap, etc) is part of the head tag only, and always. And finally comes the body. And in the body, we use all the popular HTML tags. The form tag is also a part of the body. Remember a form can be a GET or POST, and these are the two methods. Also, the action is used to set the URL where the data needs to be sent when the form is loaded. You should study Form tag deeply, and the rest of the tags are easy, and you should know how to add the styles and javascript functions to each of them. Also, knowledge of jQuery and JavaScript is a must these days.


A simplest of HTML code will look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>




<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="description" content="">

<meta name="keywords" content="">

<meta name="author" content="">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">



The content



Remember viewport above is meant for making the page responsive, and we mention here width= device width, and this means it will set to the width of the device on which it is running. And there is a media tag in CSS, which we use for making the page responsive as well. Or else you can make use of Bootstrap. And initial scale sets the initial zoom level.