what are the drawbacks to only regulating at the transcriptional level and not the translational level or protein level?

Respuesta :


Energy and Cellular Space

When gene Gene expression at( transnational level )  is regulated it ensures energy and  cellular space conservation, If a gene  were to be  regulated at each time  after transcription, then significant amount of ATPs beyond the synthetic capacity of the cells will be needed, the cells will  need large surface to accommodate the  mechanism s. Thus  regulation  saves more energy and space to regulate gene expression. by turning on  genes when needed to expressed and off when not needed.

Sequence of Gene

In addition,  for the  timely synthesis of  exact copies of protein needed  by the cells   for various cellular activities;  it is important  for cells to regulate and control how the DNA  is translated to the required proteins. If this mechanisms were not regulated  deletion ,  addition of  nitrogenous bases  in  gene sequence  during translation may lead to mutations and  therefore  wrong coding of the needed protein in the cells.

Protein Quantity

Furthermore, the need to know the quantity of protein to synthesize, when to stop the synthesis,  necessitated  regulation of the process.If required amount is not expressed wrong  amino acids units will be synthesized leading to abnormalities in hormones and enzymes.
