As a health education specialist for a large national voluntary health agency, you are charged with promoting a new internet-based screening tool for breast cancer risk. It has already been beta tested and the research has been promising; now the agency wants to go public with it and encourage its use by the priority population of at risk women in America. Using diffusion theory as your guide, you choose to focus your initial promotional efforts on:

A.innovators-personally contacting women researching breast cancer and asking them to use the tool with their patients
B.early adopters-presenting research results in professional meetings and publications in order to catch the eye of respected opinion leaders
C.early majority-use mass media to directly reach out to large numbers in priority populations
D.laggards-use multiple efforts to appeal to members of the priority populations who are doubtful of the usefulness of the tool.

Respuesta :

Answer: C.early majority-use mass media to directly reach out to large numbers in priority populations


Diffusion theory of innovation suggests that how, why and at what rate the new ideas, opinions, technology and innovations spread among public from the innovators. The theory suggests that there are four main elements that influence the spread of the new ideas, innovations by itself, through communication channels, and via social system.

According to the given situation, mass media can reach upto a large mass worldwide and can spread the information about the tool for breast cancer. This is likely to remove any kind of doubts and will promote the sales according to the needs of the priority patients worldwide.