NWICO's ultimate goal was a restructured system of media and telecommunication priorities in order for Western nations to maintain influence over international media, information, economic, cultural, and political systems.

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New World Information and Communication Order is also called the MacBride commission. It was created to promote equitable communications between the developed and developing countries.


It was discussed and debated inn many forums culminating inn UNESCO, General conference in Belgrade which outlined the guidelines and principles for NWICO. Its an effort by US to maintain the Global Communication Governance. Free flow of information is the important dictum of this organisation which it is aiming for.

Information and communication in maintaining the world order is found to be the  basis on which this organisation was created. As per the reports of NWICO, it suggested that the radio spectrum was controlled by a small number of developed countries and one of which is US. United states is hostile to this organisation as it felt that it is a great threat to the freedom of press.