
Review the various communication theories that relate to persuasive writing. Can you give a practical application of a particular theory to how you would write something on behalf of a client or employer? Explain your example.

Respuesta :


The communication theory that would be consider is: persuation Theory.

The intention seek by the use of this theory is: to convince an employer to agreed on the implementation of an environmental campaign.


Text using persuasion theory:

To take care of the environment it shouldn't be an option it should be mandatory. Implementing environmental friendly measures in our daily lifes is a matter of education and self preservation.

The company should get read of plastic ware, the employees should bring their own cups and this way the company would safe a lot of money in buying plastic. This right here is a little change that would most likely made as differenciate and have an outstanding place among other companies.

This not  only help the world, but this would rise the company into an outstanding company. It would even help promote our company.

The perssuation in here is by showing how the company or the employer would benefit directly by doing the campaing. One of the main points of persuasion is to convice the person of all the benefits that would get if, agreeing on the terms asked.