If a speaker begins by saying, "It is nature's best bug control, and night-blooming flowers depend on it for pollination. As North America's most endangered animal, the Chiroptera or 'bat,' is in serious trouble," what type of introduction is he/she trying to use

Respuesta :

The type of introduction used is Create suspense.


While writing a story of a fiction, when the writer makes the readers to ask questions or he does not reveal the fact, it refers to creation of suspense. The write holds the information with him without revealing it. This type of fiction will increase the curiosity of the readers and make them to read further.

When a story is written in this context, then without knowing the information that is being withheld by the writer, the reader will feel incomplete in reading the story. Here, in the example, the statements withheld the information and hence, the type of introduction used is Create suspense. Only when the story is read fully, we can understand the whole theme.