NEED HELP ASAP "A ruler makes use of the majority and neglects the minority, and so he does not devote himself to virtue but to law."-Han Fei Tzu

What is the meaning of this quote?
Who wrote this quote and what were they like?
Which belief system does this quote belong to and why?

Respuesta :


This quote was written by Han Fei Tzu on his book "The Legalists"

It refers to totalitarian systems in which a ruler makes use of take advantage of the majority (the poor and the uneducated) and oppress a minority (his opposition) He is not recognized for his virtues as a rightful ruler, but because of the strength of his actions.

Han Fei Tzu was a chinese philosopher and was considered the greatest representative of Chinese Legalism. His writings were very influential on the future first emperor of China Qin Shi Huang.

This quote belongs to the belief system of Chinese Legalism but can be very well applied to the Communists beliefs of recent times.

I don't agree with this quote at all, it is absurd that still exists people that believe that this can be a efficient method to rule over people