Read this passage by Mawi Asgedom and answer the question that follows: Goals Need Grit One example of grit is JK Rowling, the writer of the Harry Potter books. Joanne Rowling grew up poor and worked in difficult jobs her whole life. When she was at her lowest point in her life, she set a goal to write a book about a boy wizard who overcame his challenges. After several years of working hard to write the books, her publisher told Joanne that they would not print the books with her name on them because they did not think a book written by a woman would sell any copies. Joanne was so frustrated that she wanted to give up. Instead of giving up, she thought of a creative way to get around her obstacle. Joanne borrowed the "K" from her grandmother's first name Kathleen and changed her writing name to Joanne Kathleen or JK Rowling. Today, Harry Potter is one of the bestselling books of all time. Obstacles can sometimes be opportunities in disguise. By not giving up when your goals feel impossible, you can achieve any goal that is important to you. Why does Mawi tell a story about author JK Rowling

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The author gives Rowling's example because JK Rowling's inspirational story illustrates the author's point that 'Goals Need Grit'


The author wanted to give an example of illustrating how grit, or persevering in the face of obstacles, will allow you to get past those obstacles. Harry Potter is one of the all-time best selling books that quite literally pushed JK Rowling to the pinnacle of fame of success. Her journey was not easy in the slightest. She lived a difficult life before achieving incredible success as highlighted by the author. Writing a top selling series is not easy and when she came up with an idea of writing a book, she spent years working on it only to be declined by the publishers who felt that her feminine name would hamper book sales. This is a point where most people would give up out of sheer frustration. However, Rowling moved passed this as well. Her pashion for her work, her determimation and her perseverance allowed her to come up with an interesting way to put her name on the book and get away with it. As we all know, this worked brilliantly.

Therefore this example, illustrating Rowling's grit, her pashion, and her fierce desire to push past obstacles, shows how you need grit to overcome problems and achieve your goals.