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Accounting principles: It is the general instruction or guidelines and rules that a company has to follow for reporting the company's accounts and financial data. There a five accounting principles, in general, they are Revenue Recognition Principle, Historical Cost Principle,  Matching Principle, Full Disclosure Principle, Objectivity Principle.

auditing techniques: There are 5 steps in auditing techniques to walk through and test each in a controlled place of the service organization. The steps include observation, inquiry, examination or inspection of the evidence,computer-assisted audit technique (CAAT) re-performance.

 standard tax law: The law proposed by the government stating that the portion of income that is not subject to tax is used to reduce your tax bill. The deduction is based on age, filing status, and whether you are disabled or claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return.

general investigative methods: General investigative methods involve physical evidence examining, gathering data or related information, collect the available evidence,  protection of evidence, interviewing the witness, and suspect interviewing and interrogation.