Above mentioned sequence is already correct.
* Contracting cloud of gas and dust
* Protostar
* Main sequence star
* red super-giant
* Super nova
* neutron star.
Contraction of the cloud of gasses and dust due to the gravity results in the formation of the protostar and this process is known as accretion. Gravity pull the gases together towards the center like a ball. Then the core of the protostar rises in temperature up to the level which is required for the hydrogen fusion then it's called as the main sequence star.When the main sequence star runs out the hydrogen at the center due to the fusion reactions it turned to the red super giant. At this point the red super giant continues the fusion of the other massive elements and when it runs out of most of the fuel then there is contraction in the size of the star which results in the explosion known as supernova. During the supernova giant stars dies and emit the protons and electrons, they get combined and results in the formation of the neutron star.