The high boiling point of water is due to intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding
H- Bonding :
It is special type of Dipole - dipole interaction.This is found in molecules which have high electronegative element attached to the electropositive Hydrogen.
The Molecule as a result become highly polar(N-H , O-H , H-F)
Energy of Hydrogen bond is 10-100 kJ/mol.
Strength of H- bond is determined on the basis of coulombic interaction between the lone pair of electron of electronegative element and the hydrogen atom of other molecule.
In water : The H- bonding occur between the O- of one water molecule to the H- of the other water molecule
This results in increase in boiling point of water to a high value .That is the reason that water is liquid at room temperature. Other substance of same molar mass are gases if they do not have H 0 bonding.