What are one-sided and two-sided messages?
What is a refutation?
When considering message-sidedness, which is the most effective?
What is inoculation theory?
How does inoculation work in communication?
One-sided messages contain those arguments made from one point of view and also in favor of one position. It is presented only on one side of a product, or an issue.
Two-sided messages:
Two-sided messages contain those arguments that are made in favor of proposition but also consider the opposing arguments. It presented on two perspectives by two opposing parties one presenting the positive and other the negative perspective of a product or issue.
The action of proving a theory or statement made in an argument as wrong or false is known as Refutation.
Based on research analysis Two-sided refutational messages are more persuasive than one-sided messages and one-sided messages are more persuasive than two-side non-refutational messages.
Inoculation theory and its work on communication:
The theory was proposed in response to a situation where the goal is to persuade someone not to be persuaded by another. It is a model theory for building resistance to persuasion attempts by exposing people to arguments against their beliefs and giving them counter-arguments to refute attacks.
Inoculation helps in communication such a way that when a weak statement is made in an argument process of refutation or other protective measures will be prepared for a strong argument later.