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The cloud is a set of droplets and / or ice crystals (a product of condensation and / or sublimation of water vapor), depending on the air at a certain height from the surface. Clouds are important air elements. They are the result of complex thermodynamic processes that lead to condensation and sublimation of water vapor, and are visible results of these processes. From the appearance, shape, altitude, vertical and horizontal dimensions of the clouds, you can know the causes of their formation and talk about their flight conditions. The following conditions must be met for the formation of clouds: sufficient humidity, shielding and condensation cores (hygroscopic dust particles, etc.). The main reason for cloud formation is the adiabatic drop in temperature that causes condensation of water vapor in the humid weather. Depending on the type of shielding, water vapor condensation and sublimation form different clouds with different physical characteristics (microstructure, waterlogging).
The microstructure of clouds refers to their internal physical structure: the phase state of cloud elements, the number of particles in a single volume. In other words, clouds are composed of water droplets and ice crystals of varying size, location and density structure. The nature of the microphysical condition depends on the conditions of cloud formation, which has a great effect on aircraft during long-term flight across the cloud. The size of cloud particles can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
There are three main types of clouds: Syros (sputum cloud), cumulus (ball top), Stratus (layered cloud).
1. Layered clouds are clouds of up to 2–3 km. These clouds can completely cover the face of the sky. It is predominantly in winter. The rainfall is intermittent.
2. Clouds on the ball - 3–6 km at the altitude as a result of the rapid rise of hot weather. It is raining and full of clouds
3. Sparkling clouds - more than 6 km (sometimes 10-12 km) higher. It is composed of ice crystals because it is formed at temperatures below 0 ° C. It is formed mainly in summer. Rain does not fall from the clouds.
Cloud type: Cirrus Clouds
There are three main types of clouds: High-level clouds (which are found 5-13 km), Mid-level clouds (2-7 km) and Low-level clouds (0-2 km); here we’re going to describe cirrus clouds which are considered high-level clouds and its appearence is white, almost translucent and without internal shades. You can identify they because of their long parallel shades. When these clouds turn below the sun or the moon it happens a dazzling halo phenomenon.
Because of the alttitude, these are clouds formed by ice crystals and It’s prescense indicates likely a warm frontal system whithin next 24 hours with low temperatures and rainfall.