There is currently a discussion about the effects of underwater noise in the planet’s oceans.

Think about BOTH sides of the discussion.
Then write an argumentative essay in your own words supporting either side.

In your essay, you will argue whether or not underwater noise affects marine life.

Be sure to use information from BOTH passages in your argumentative essay.

Writer’s Checklist
Be sure to:

• Introduce your claim.
• Support your claim with logical reasons and relevant evidence from the passages.
• Acknowledge and address alternate or opposing claims.
• Organize the reasons and evidence logically.
• Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly from the passages.
• Identify the passages by title or number when using details or facts directly from the passages. • Use words, phrases, or clauses to connect your ideas and to clarify the relationships among claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
• Establish and maintain a formal style.
• Use clear language and vocabulary.
• Provide a conclusion that supports the argument presented.
• Check your work for correct usage, grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Refer to the Writer’s Checklist as you write and proofread your essay.

What to Do about Underwater Noise

Anyone who lives in a busy city knows that the world is a noisy place. We humans rely on many machines—planes, cars, trains, construction and farming machinery, and machines in factories—to make modern life happen. As it turns out, we make a racket on land and in the ocean. Our boats, oil drilling equipment, and military sonar activities generate all kinds of noise. Some scientists have become concerned that underwater noise is negatively affecting sea life, particularly whales. In recent years, studies of the impact of underwater noise have been completed, and the results are mixed. Neither side—not the environmentalists who want to protect marine life or the navy, which conducts sonar tests for our national defense—is convinced of the right thing to do.

Some environmentalists are concerned that underwater noise has a negative impact on certain species, particularly beaked whales. Whales communicate with each other by sending out sound waves. Scientists suspect that the increase in underwater noise has interfered with the whales’ ability to “hear” one another. They also are concerned that high levels of underwater noise upset the whales. Like humans, whales might also enjoy some peace and quiet. But where can they go? To find out how noise affects whales, scientists attached digital recording devices to beaked whales, pilot whales, and melon-headed whales during a two-year period. These devices measured the sounds the whales made and also tracked their movements. This allowed scientists to determine how the whales reacted when they were in noisy environments. The data suggested that beaked whales were especially sensitive to even low levels of underwater noise. It interrupted their communications and caused them to change their diving and feeding patterns. The results suggested clearly that we should change our attitude toward underwater noise if we want our whale populations to survive.

Should we reduce our underwater activities? Or should we keep doing what we’ve been doing and hope for the best? We should cut back on underwater noise so that the animals of the sea can thrive. The obvious answer is to err on the side of caution and limit underwater noise.

Respuesta :


Title: I'm not writing a essay for you, but I'll give you a plan I made just for you so its easy to make your essay


What's your claim? __________

Supportive Evidence #1 + Reasoning: This will be body paragraph one!


Supportive Evidence #2 + Reasoning : This will be body paragraph two!


Organizing: Place in chronological order or importance, if possible.

Original Ideas: Be creative, I can't help you here!

Spell checking: Make a new post when the essay is finished and I can edit it for you.

Good Luck!

Universidad de Mexico