The King, he is hunting the deer; I am coursing myself. They have pitched a toil; I am toiling in a pitch—pitch that defiles. Defile! A foul word. Well, "set thee down, sorrow"; for so they say the fool said, and so say I, and I the fool. Well proved, wit. By the Lord, this love is as mad as Ajax. It kills sheep, it kills me, I a sheep. Well proved again, o’ my side. I will not love. If I do, hang me. I’ faith, I will not. O, but her eye! By this light, but for her eye I would not love her; yes, for her two eyes. Well, I do nothing in the world but lie, and lie in my throat. By heaven, I do love, and it hath taught me to rhyme, and to be melancholy. And here is part of my rhyme, and here my melancholy. Well, she hath one o’ my sonnets already. The clown bore it, the fool sent it, and the lady hath it. Sweet clown, sweeter fool, sweetest lady. By the world, I would not care a pin, if the other three were in. Here comes one

Respuesta :


These lines are taken from "Love's Labor's Lost" Act IV scene iii, written by william shakespeare. The lines are in the form of a poem which is read by Berowne upon his arrival to the palace.


The background of these lines is the king and three lords swearing to an oath of scholarship. This oath entails fasting and avoiding contact with women for three years. However, these lines by Berowne who is one of the lords, revealed that all of them including the king, are in love to different women. Berowne is resisting his feelings and chose to hang himself rather than accept his love for a woman. He said that he will lie to the world but he will keep loving her and she already knows as she has received my sonnet.