A. PO43- < NO3- < Na+
Here’s the reaction equation:
Na3PO4 + 3AgNO3 = Ag3PO4 + 3Na+ + 3NO3-
All of the Ag and PO43- in the solution reacted to form the Ag3PO4 which is the yellow precipitate, leaving little or no Ag or PO43- left in the solution. This narrows down the answer to options A and B.
Since the concentrations and the volumes of the reactants are the same, the number of moles will also be the same.
Na3PO4 will release 3 moles of Na+ while AgNO3 releases 1 mole of NO3-. Hence, the Na+ would be more in solution than the NO3-, narrowing the answer further down to option A.
PO43- < NO3- < Na+