Working alone at its own constant rate, a machine seals k cartons in 8 hours, and working alone at its own constant rate, a second machine seals k cartons in 4 hours. If the two machines, each working at its own Page 10 constant rate and for the same period of time, together sealed a certain number of cartons, what percent of the cartons were sealed by the machine working at the faster rate?

Respuesta :


The correct answer is : D.  66 2/3%


  • The first machine works under this condition

        8 hrs = K

        1 hr  =  K/8

  • The second machine (this one works at the faster rate)

        4hrs  = K

        1 hr = K/4

The  Machines working together:

1 hr = K/4 + K/8 = 3K/8

Faster Machine Percentage =

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