Print person1's kids, call the incNumKids() method, and print again, outputting text as below. End each line with a newline. Sample output for below program with input 3:

Respuesta :


The program to this question can be given as follows:


class Person_details  


int num_Kids; //defining integer variable

void Set_Num_Kids(int persons_Kid) //defining method set_Num_Kid  


num_Kids = persons_Kid;//holding value in num_Kids variable


void incNumKids() //defining method incNumKids


num_Kids = num_Kids + 1; //incresing value of num_Kids variable by 1


int get_Num_Kids() //defining method get_Num_Kids


return num_Kids;//return value of num_Kids variable



public class Main //defining class Main


public static void main (String [] args)//defining main method


int persons_Kid=3; //defining integer variable persons_Kid

Person_details p1 = new Person_details(); //creating Person_details class Object

p1.Set_Num_Kids(persons_Kid); //calling method Set_Num_Kids.  

System.out.println(p1.get_Num_Kids()); //calling get_Num_Kids method and print value

p1.incNumKids(); //calling incNumKids method

System.out.println(p1.get_Num_Kids());//calling get_Num_Kids method and print value







In the above program code, two-class is defined that are "Person_details and Main", inside the Person_details class one integer variable num_Kids, and three method that are "Set_Num_Kids, incNumKids, and get_Num_Kids" is defined, in which first two method is used to hold a value and the third method is used for return a value.

  • Then the Main class is defined, inside this class main method is declared, in this method, an integer variable persons_Kid is defined, that holds a value that is "3".
  • In the next line, Person_details class object is created and call function and to print return function value the print function is used.