
Click play, and then click pause when the strength of the land breeze is at a maximum. What is the time?

Respuesta :

Land breeze blows maximum at the night, particularly at midnight.


Land breeze and sea breeze are the two mild breeze that blows in the coastal region that maintains the climate of coastal region much moderate than other interior regions of a continent. The sea breeze is the condition when air flows from sea to land and the reverse i.e air blowing from land to sea is land breeze.

In the day time, Sun's rays heat up the land and sea, but land gets hotter much faster than seas. This makes the air less dense over land, and cooler air from sea takes its place. Similarly, the land cools faster at night when the air over land becomes cooler and denser, and it rushes to fill up the less dense air over sea. So at night, the probability of land breeze is maximum,