Respuesta :


Following are the program in the java language  

public class Main // Main class  


   String courseStudentsname; // variable declaration  

   int age; // variable declaration  

   int ID; // variable declaration  

   Main() // default constructor


courseStudentsname="Smith";//assign the values mention in the question              

       age=20;//assign the values which is mention in the question  

       ID=9999;//assign the values which is mention in the question    


void printAll() // method definition of printAll()  


      System.out.print("Name: " + courseStudentsname ); // display name

      System.out.print(", Age: " + age); // display age

      System.out.print(", ID: " + ID); // display id


public static void main(String[] args) // main fuunction()


Main ob=new Main(); // create the object of Main class  

ob.printAll(); // calling the method printAll()




Name:"Smith, Age:20, ID:9999


Following are the description of program

  • Create a constructor of "Main" class and store the respective values of courseStudentsname,age and ID in that constructor .
  • create a method printAll() and print the respective values in the given format which is mention in the question by using   System.out.print method.
  • In the main function create an object of "Main" class i.e "ob".
  • Finally, call the printAll() method by using the object of Main class.

Universidad de Mexico