Ms. Leitch was having a glass of champagne in the outdoor section of a restaurant in Delray Beach, Florida on New Year’s Eve. She was hit by a stray bullet and injured. There had been stray bullet injuries in the past on the streets of Delray on New Year’s Eve, but the city did not issue any warnings to revelers prior to New Year’s Eve. Ms. Leitch has filed suit against the city of Delray Beach to recover for her medical costs, lost wages, and physical pain and suffering. What will the city use as a defense in the case? a. That Ms. Leitch was contributorily negligent for being in an outside area of a restaurant on New Year’s Eve in Delray Beach. b. That there is strict liability for wounds from guns within city limits. c. That the stray bullet incidents were remote and isolated. d. That you cannot be held liable for the criminal activities of third parties