The Knights of Labor (KOL) which gained popularity during the late 19th century wanted to bring an end to capitalism because of the infinite exploitation committed against the working class by the capitalists.
This organization led several strikes and protests against the capitalists and demanded eight hour working workday and workers safety. It gathered a vast majority of support from the working class citizens from all over the country.
The American Federation of Labor (AFL) which was established after the demise of the Knights of Labor in 1886 propagated similar aims. It aimed at short working hours, higher wages and better working conditions.
The fundamental difference between KOL and AFL is the structure of the union. The KOL was a secretive organization consisting of both skilled and unskilled labors. It also had a radical approach.
On the other hand, the AFL consisted only of skilled labors and operated formally and legally. It emphasized on establishing national trade unions consisting of skilled labors.