Respuesta :

here is a poem:

ya, im different,

So what?

But I feel like that

Makes me more significant                   there are seven lines in this stanza

So don’t try to punch me

in the gut.

Just let me, be me.

You look at me all you want

I will never change

U can taunt

All you want and                          eight in this one

I will never arrange

U can can point at me,

I’ll still be


You can laugh at me,

I’ll laugh right back

And it feels like a smack,

But you are all the same,

No matter where

You came.

At least i am new,                        12 in this one.

Well, newer than you!

I’ll be different,

Not the same,

I’m the leader,

Your the follower.

the definition of a stanza:a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse.

a group of four lines in some Greek and Latin meters.