
1. Do you think evolution is still taking place in the Galapagos finches? Why or why not?
2. Discuss whether or not human activities lead to speciation. Explain your reasoning.

Respuesta :

The answers are as follows:

1) Evolution is still taking place in the Galapagos finches


Evolution basically consists on random mutations that affect the population of a species, that are conserved when those mutations help the affected individuals to better adapt to their environment, in a process known as natural selection.

Random mutations are still affecting the finch population in the Galapagos Islands, and when one of those mutations provides an advantage, the species will continue to evolve. However, these changes occur over long periods of time, and its unlikely that we will see the evolved species in our lifetime.

2)  Human activities can lead to speciation

Speciation is the process in which new species are created by natural or artificial selection.


Human activities can speed up this process by creating external pressure in the form of artificial selection. There are many examples of this in our history, but common cases are the separation of the Dog (Canis familiaris) from the Wolf (Canis lupus). Wolves with desirable traits (non-aggressive, cooperative, small size) were artificially selected by humans and in time, a new species was created. Other examples can be the different species of cattle and sheep.

Have a nice day!
