1 point--Create two slogans relating to manifest destiny. One slogan should present a favorable viewpoint of the policy of manifest destiny; the other should present an unfavorable viewpoint. Briefly describe the viewpoint held by each slogan:

1 point--• Under the favorable slogan, describe why the United States was justified in the expansion of the 1800s.

1 point--• Under the unfavorable slogan, describe who or what was negatively affected by the policy of manifest destiny and how they were negatively affected.

Make sure to convey your ideas clearly, using standard English.

Respuesta :


last 2 points are, 1st point:

The philosophy drove 18th-century U.S. territorial expansion and was used to justify the forced removal of Native Americans and other groups from their homes. The rapid expansion of the United States intensified the issue of slavery as new states were added to the Union, leading to the outbreak of the Civil War

2 point: The negative effect that this had on Native Americans were lasting effects. Manifest Destiny also caused war and tension with Mexico for the same reasons. Manifest Destiny caused americans to feel entitled, greedy, power hungry, they wanted to be the best, which are poor qualities to have.

i dont know the first point sorry. hope this helps