Upto 65% of daily calories should be provided by carbohydrate.
Macronutrients as the name indicates are required by our body in larger quantities compared to micronutrients which are required by our body in smaller quantities. The major macronutrient include Carbohydrate, Lipids and Protein. The energy provided by carbohydrate and protein is 4 kcalories per gram and by lipid is 9 k calories/g.
The ADMR is predermined range of macronutrients in our diet. According to ADMR to prevent a chronic disease Carbohydrates should make up 45- 65% of the kcalories we eat, protein should make up 10- 35% of the kcalories we eat, and fat should constitute 20- 35% of the calories we eat.
Hoping this might help!!!