Two parts of the Plasmodium erythrocytic cycle affect the human host in the follow ways. The________ is responsible for the clinical symptoms of malaria in one human host, and the_______ releases spores into the human's blood that make it possible for the malaria to be passed on to a_______ and then to another human.
1. a. asexual portions
b. sexual portions
2. a. sexual portion
b. a sexual portion
3. a. moosquito
b. flea

Respuesta :


The answer to 1. is option a. asexual portion.

The answer to 2. is option b. sexual portion.

The answer to 3. Is option a. Mosquito


1. The asexual portion is the stage in the Plasmodium erythrocytic cycle where the parasite develops in the erythrocytes causing accumulation of waste and toxic substances which ultimately end up in the bloodstream when the infected cells lyse. These factors acts to produce the symptoms experienced in malaria.

2. During the sexual portion of the Plasmodium cycle spores formed in the human host are released into the bloodstream which is usually picked up by an uninfected female anopheles mosquito when it takes a blood meal.

3. An infected mosquito passes the sporozoites to a new human host when it takes a blood meal and the cycle starts all over.