Answer:To put in place a corporate food safety compliance policy is the basic requirements for salvaging the consumers from poisoned food ,companies are required by total quality management to go beyond just avoid fines but to put the customer safety first and foremost of their business plan ,the BPP requires company to take the following steps inquiry,discussion,decision, justifications and evaluation.
Explanation:using the business process pragmatism methods the following steps will be taken
Inquiry:Trevor should make inquiry on what constitutes poisoning in food industry,this may require stakeholders meeting which must include expert quality control officers,industry experts,representative of the US food and drug administration,legal expert in the food industry etc,
Discussion :the forum will review the causeof food poisoning in the industry and how it affects the populace and how it can be checked or reduced or avoided.
Decision a decision acceptable to all stakeholders which has the best interest of the consumers should be reached with a clear plan of implementation , this should consider the legal aspect and at the same time the health of the population which it tends to make it's consumers .
Justifications:there should be enough justifications for any decision reached because the board and the shareholders are also stakeholders and need to be convinced as well that any decision taken will have their interest as well as the consumers at heart as well as protecting the brand .
Evaluation:this requires financial aspect and the other resources that may be required to be assess while the best workable should be adopted.