Respuesta :
Answer explained with detail below
Consider the solution given by the greedy algorithm as a sequence of packages, here represented by indexes: 1, 2, 3, ... n. Each package i has a weight, w_i, and an assigned truck t_i. { t_i } is a non-decreasing sequence (as the k'th truck is sent out before anything is placed on the k+1'th truck). If t_n = m, that means our solution takes m trucks to send out the n packages.
If the greedy solution is non-optimal, then there exists another solution { t'_i }, with the same constraints, s.t. t'_n = m' < t_n = m.
Consider the optimal solution that matches the greedy solution as long as possible, so \for all i < k, t_i = t'_i, and t_k != t'_k.
t_k != t'_k => Either
1) t_k = 1 + t'_k
i.e. the greedy solution switched trucks before the optimal solution.
But the greedy solution only switches trucks when the current truck is full. Since t_i = t'_i i < k, the contents of the current truck after adding the k - 1'th package are identical for the greedy and the optimal solutions.
So, if the greedy solution switched trucks, that means that the truck couldn't fit the k'th package, so the optimal solution must switch trucks as well.
So this situation cannot arise.
2) t'_k = 1 + t_k
i.e. the optimal solution switches trucks before the greedy solution.
Construct the sequence { t"_i } s.t.
t"_i = t_i, i <= k
t"_k = t'_i, i > k
This is the same as the optimal solution, except package k has been moved from truck t'_k to truck (t'_k - 1). Truck t'_k cannot be overpacked, since it has one less packages than it did in the optimal solution, and truck (t'_k - 1)
cannot be overpacked, since it has no more packages than it did in the greedy solution.
So { t"_i } must be a valid solution. If k = n, then we may have decreased the number of trucks required, which is a contradiction of the optimality of { t'_i }. Otherwise, we did not increase the number of trucks, so we created an optimal solution that matches { t_i } longer than { t'_i } does, which is a contradiction of the definition of { t'_i }.
So the greedy solution must be optimal.