Respuesta :

Renewable source can be made again for example solar that can produce energy from within. Nonrenewable source is something that can run out and can’t be made for example fossils like coal.


NON-Renewable source of energy takes millions of years to renew whereas renewable renews in short duration of time.


Renewable resource are the resources which can be renewed in short duration of the time and can be used again and again without any threat of exhaustion whereas the Non-renewable resource cannot be renewed in short duration of time and takes millions of the years to renew and are made naturally in specific environment.

Some examples of the Non-renewable resources are coal, Petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels etc.

Also Renewable energy includes Solar energy, Hydro energy, wind energy etc.

Non Renewable energy is limited to a certain time period of several years and will get exhausted after some time because of this we should shift to renewable source of the energy and conserve them for our future generations.