It is a good idea
Without the rebate, the annual revenue to the company given a price of $30,000 and a volume of 40,000 vehicles
= 30,000 * 40,000 = $1,2 billion.
However, with the rebate, total annual revenue given a price of $28,000 and a volume of 55,000 vehicles, would be
= $28,000 * 55,000 = $1.54 billion.
Thus, the rebate results in a $340 million increase in revenue, and it is therefore a good idea.
The likely costs of the rebate may be a necessary increase in man hours and the attendance increase in labour cost as more workers are needed to produce the increased volume. Other direct costs of production may increase too.
The likely benefit, apart from the increase revenue identified above, is the likely increase in market share for the company.