b) had been created by divine intervention a few thousand years before.
In Darwin’s time, most people assumed that all species were brought into being at the same period or age and it was the usual believe. Therefore, Darwin’s ideas which he got from his voyage brought new understanding to biology.
The Voyage of the Beagle
In 1831, Darwin (22 years old) journeyed for a scientific exposition on the HMS Beagle ship. He observed and collected specimens of plants, animals, rocks, and fossils wherever the expedition was ashore. The Figure attached showed his voyage journey.
Darwin’s Observations
His observations helped him form his theory of evolution. Lets consider:
The great diversity of life.l which was seen in his visit to tropical rainforests and other new habitats where he observed many plants and animals not known to man.
His idea that living things—like Earth’s surface—change over time was from him digging up fossils of gigantic extinct mammals, e.g. the ground sloth proving that organisms differed from their past forms.