This question refers to the epic of The Shahnameh. During Rustam's visit to the city of Samangan, he meets the king's daughter, Princess Tahmina, with whom he has a son_____________.

Respuesta :


The question is not complete and clear. Because of that, I bring a summary of one part of Shahname related to Rustam, Tahmine, and Sohrab (their son).

Shahname or the Book of the Kings is an epic poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi. It is an epic history of Greater Iran.  

During his visit to Samangan, Rustam visits Tahmina and Tahmine tells him that she loves him because of the heroic acts he has done and proposes Rustam to marry her. Rustam accepts that and they marry soon. After some lovely days and weeks, Rustam has to leave Samangan. AT the time pf departure, Tahmine informs him that she is carrying a baby. Rustam is very happy and gives a gemstone to his wife and asks her to tie in in its hair if the baby is a girl or tie in its arm if it is a boy. Many years goes and Rustam cannot see his wife and child. In the tragedy of Rustam and Sohrab, Ferdowsi tells the story how Rustam kills Sohrab in a combat, after that he saw the gemstone in Sohrab’s arm and finds out he is his own son, but it is too late.

So, Sohrab is the son of Rustam and Tahmine.