A. Globalization has resulted in turmoil and dislocation for many
people around the world.
Globalization is a phenomenon when local companies start sending their products to the other parts of the world and expand their business in other parts of the world. At one side this phenomenon provide opportunities for many people but on the other side it is also creating and posing some serious problem over the world as well. When globalization happens people start to travel to the other parts of the world to introduce their products and services to establish their business there. But sometimes it happens that some unwanted people disguised in some other form behind this trading opportunity also succeed in traveling to the other parts of the world where they establish their connections with some bad people to carry out their illegal activities. These are the real findings that many people have dislocated to other parts of the world and have performed numerous terrorist activities, therefore, government should be very much careful in issuing the visas but sometimes it really become difficult in identifying the real prospects and become hard in distinguishing between terrorists and trading people, moreover it becomes hard in knowing their real intentions.