Review the material from Section 3 of this week’s Webtext titled, "Becoming Independent: The Rebellion Against Britain" and the supplemental resource featured this week. Next, identify three (3) motivating factors for colonists that helped to ignite the American Revolution. If you were involved in the American Revolution which side would you choose? Justify your response.

Respuesta :


Three motivating factors for colonists that helped to ignite the American Revolution:

  • Proclamation Act of 1763: this act of the British Parliament was established after the French and Indian War. Britain wanted to stabilize relations with the Native Americans, and decided to prohibit settlement further west in the colonies. The American colonists did not like this law and largely ignored it, continuing to settle in "forbidden" territory.
  • The end of salutory neglect: salutory neglect was a policy put in place by former British primer minister Robert Walpole. It consisted in the lack of enforcement of mercantilist policies with the goal of promoting commerce. When this policy was ended in 1763, new regulations to trade were put in place, and the American colonists did not like this.
  • More taxation: the British imposed more taxes on the colonists because after the French and Indian War the crown was almost brankrupt. The colonists demanded "no taxation without representation".

If you were involved in the American Revolution which side would you choose?

I would side with the revolutionaries because the American leaders were inspired by the ideas of the englightment, and proposed a republican government that respected natural rights, while Britain was a monarchy that did not respect these natural rights.

Answer and Explanation:

Because the staff didn't save them a lot of money, mercantilism is how the British are restricted to how the colonies can spend their money so they can control the economy. Unbearable actions are the laws that pass the Boston Tea Party. These laws gave Catholics the right to make colonies British soldiers, and they stopped the colonial government in Massachusetts. In my answer, if I had been part of the American Revolution, I would have thought I was towards colonialism.

Some of the major causes of the US revolution in the order in which they occurred.

  • Establishment of colonies.
  • The French and Indian War.
  • Protest in Boston.
  • Intolerable Acts.
  • Boston Blockade.
  • Growing unity among the colonies.
  • First Continental Congress.