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Non-combatant evacuation operation
Non-combatant evacuation operations or NEOs are conducted by the Deparment of State, directed by the President, but their success or failure is responsability of the U.S. Ambassador to the country where they are taking place, who is directly in charge and constantly in communication with the U.S. President.
These operations require the use of force, and are very risky for both military personnel and civilians.
The most recent NEOs were implemented in Libya in the year 2014, during the Civil War that occurred shortly after the NATO intervention in that country.
These operations are referred to as New Combatant Withdrawal Operations (NEOs).
Description: Noncombatant evacuation operations (NEOs) are about evacuating and protecting civilian non-populations in foreign countries (from war, civil unrest, or natural disasters, for example). Overseas evacuation is recommended and administered by the State Department and is supported by the Department of the Army. According to the Marine Corps Emergency Management Team, US citizens and others will get help for whatever problems they may have after staying safe in their final destination.