Many people enjoy solving puzzles, yet think they would not enjoy a science career. Mendeleev is trying all sorts of ideas to make sense of the data. How is what Mendeleev doing like solving a puzzle? How does his work illustrate that doing science requires creativity and imagination?

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Mendeleev is trying all sort of ideas to try the solve the puzzle, that it means in terms of science that he is experimenting.


In the process of solving the puzzle, he will try different alternatives to solve the problem. If one alternative does not work, he will discard it and continue with another alternative. He will repeat the process until he gets the correct answer. Doing science needs creativity and imagination because as solving puzzles, scientists do not have the right answer beforehand. The difference here lies in scientist use detail methods to make the most of imagination and creativity and turn them into knowledge. By detail methods, hypotheses that come from imagination can go through a process of validation that anyone else following the process will get the same result