This is a critical essay on the work called The Man Who Was Dracula, partial biography of Bram Stoker. It is a novel biography, written and true to the facts, resulting easier to assimilate than any biography, that is, one that sticks to the facts and transmits them without greater charm. It is also a theatrical biography, well written and well staged. A thousand and one things have been done about vampires but without a doubt it is Dracula, the count, who takes the best in terms of the protagonist of stories, movies or other theatrical, because it is Stoker's novel that came to give finished form final to the ancestral myth and gave a defined and equally finished personality, even physically speaking, to the vampire man born in Transylvania. Beyond the legend and thanks to literature and its prolongation in other arts later, it can be affirmed that Dracula is immortal and, not because he is a vampire, but because his myth will last as long as there is only one reader or an assistant to the theater or cinema.
Every work of art is autobiographical, and the writing by Stoker is no exception; the passion shown by the theater and culture of his country; his thirst for love and his defense of writing faced with tyranny and the contempt of his patron appear in this work that is a tribute to the theater and the actor, but above all to the adventure of a man who knew how to defend his unbearable literary vocation Despite all the obstacles.
Interesting and attractive are the qualifications that will best come to the work, to which we must add an excellent assembly made almost entirely, with a very good direction of actors and situations, framed by an adequate and simple but easily functional set design, and the appropriate costumes.