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Practically with full employment, an enviable economic growth for most of its European neighbors and a record public surplus, it is not surprising that Germany is often seen as a case of success.

It is an optimism that most Germans share.

77% of them say that their personal situation improved or remained the same in the last two years, according to a survey published by the Bertelsmann Foundation in early September.

Almost 60% say they believe their country is moving in a good direction.

This degree of satisfaction - which contrasts sharply with discontent against the common political class in other European countries - partly explains Angela Merkel's solid leadership in the polls for the general elections on Sunday, September 24.

If the forecasts are met, your party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), will be the most voted. And Merkel will become chancellor for the fourth time in a row since 2005.

However, despite its obvious virtues, the country is not without problems.

BBC Mundo asked some experts in politics and economics in Germany about the main contradictions of the "German model".