Hatsumiyamarai: This is the first shrine visit for a baby. It's held on the 32nd day after a boys birth, and on the 33rd day after a girls birth. The baby will become protected by the Kami for the rest of its life
Shichigosan:On this day, parents take their kids to a shrine. The kids then worship the Kami and wish for a bright future
Marriage: Traditional Shinto weddings have been less popular in recent years. Only a handful of people still follow the Shinto- style wedding. Generally, family and friends attend the wedding, and many wear white. The bride and groom purify themselves, pray, exchange rings and give words of commitment.
Death: Death is viewed as impure, thus cemeteries are not built near shrines. Cremation is common and funerals generally follow that of a Buddhist funeral.
Notes: For example. My rite of passage would be getting married and haveing kids.