Complete Question:
Crane and Loon Corporations, two unrelated calendar year C corporations, have the following transactions for the current year.
Gross Income: 180k, 300k
Expenses from operations: 100k, 230k
Div received: 100k, 230k
Compute the DRD for both companies
DRD is a federal tax deduction for certain companies earning distributions from related entities in the United States. The amount of the dividend to be withheld from income tax by a corporation is related to how much it is owned in the business with the dividend.
Crane: 180k-255k+100k =25k-(100k*.5) = -25k so take 50k
Loon: 300k-310k+230k =220k-115.5k = 104.5+so good.
220.5k= 110k or 115k
Take lesser 110k
Crane DRD = 50k
Loon DRD = 110k