Includes parts that affect one another
The earth system is an integrated system that represents the planet Earth. This system is inside the Solar System, which is inside the Milk Way Galaxy system, which is inside the Universe. So, the earth system is not the highest level of the system possible.
This system can be subdivided into four main systems: geosphere (the rock and minerals), atmosphere (the air), hydrosphere (the oceans, sea, rivers, and lagoons), and the biosphere (the life). These parts can affect one another and are integrated. The life consumes the atmosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere, for example.
The most important power of the earth system is the Sun, but it's not the only power, especially because human activity uses other resources like petroleum, water, nuclear power, etc.
The system is affected by the Sun, which is in the space and is the primary energy source, by the Moon that causes the tide, and it can be affected by meteors too.