Cancer, Injuries, Respiratory disease, Alzheimer's, Influenza, Kidney disease
The public opinion is that the main reasons for death in the US are influenced by food and nutrition choices. However, only 3 causes from top 10 are indeed influenced by food and nutrition choices.
On the 2nd place (from the list of 10 causes) is the Cancer which takes away over 600,000 people a year
On the 3rd place are unintentional injuries. No matter how ridiculous this sounds these injuries take away over 165.000 people a year
On the 4th place is Chronic lower respiratory disease which takes away over 160.000 people a year.
Next on the list is the Alzheimer's placed on 6th place which takes away over 120.000 life a year
Influenza and pneumonia are placed on 8th place with over 55.000 casualties a year
Kidney disease placed on 9th place is the cause of death for more than 50.000 people a year