Assume you have a class Square. This class has an instance variable, side that is protected and of type double. Write the class definition of a subclass of Square called FancySquare that has a method called getDiagonal. The getDiagonal method gets no arguments but returns the value of side multiplied by the square root of two.

Respuesta :




using namespace std;

class Square



   double side;


   void set(int s)  //sets value of side





class FancySquare : public Square  //inheriting publicly



   double getDiagonal() //returns diagonal of type double


       return side*(sqrt(2));



int main() {

   FancySquare f;   //instantiating class


   cout<<f.getDiagonal();  //returns diagonal of side 4

return 0;





In the above code, a set() method with public access specifier is defined which takes a value of int type and sets its value to side variable, which is of int type. FancySquare is a class which inherits publicly from class Square and contains a member function getDiagonal() which uses data member side of its parent class Square. In the main method, an object of class FancySquare is created and getDiagonal() is called.