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Textual criticism is a philological branch that studies and restores the history and fate of works of writing or manuscripts and literature with the aim of further research, interpretation, publication and other purposes.  It really, deals with the aspects of manuscripts.

The criticism of the text basically comes down to two points:

-to establish the authenticity or forgery of the source

-for reconstruction, in case of ascertaining the authenticity of the original text, distorted by correspondence and alterations and reached us in the form of disparate and incomplete fragments.

A summary of this analysis of all existing versions of this text and their relationship to each other is called the “critical apparatus”, which is currently considered to be a necessary accessory of any scientific critical publication of literary works. Criticism of the text of the source, recognized authentic, in turn consists of two consecutive points:

1) a diagnosis (that is, stating the corruption of a given place in the text), the basis of which is either a violation of the logical meaning, or a discrepancy with the architectonics of the whole, the testimony of other monuments or other parts of the same monument

2) the context, that is, the preparation of a draft correction of the text, the source of which can be either indirect indications in the monument under study and those close to it, or a cryptic assumption based on a general interpretation of the logical meaning of the monument, the historical conditions of its occurrence, its relationship to other monuments, its artistic structure (e.g., rhythm), etc.